Training Centre Template
The template is created in Rukovoditel 2.4, using the free version. When the Extension is installed, the template will be updated with the Extension's features and could be extended and more complex developed.
The dashboard will show you statistics about:
1. How many courses are available in your organisation
2. How many projects are running
3. How many registered learners the training centre has got
4. How many classroom courses are running at that specific time
5. How many online courses are running at a specific time? The blended learning courses are included in the online courses section.
The default Rukovoditel project system.
Senior Management
The senior management could manage the regulatory bodies that accredited the organisation to deliver their courses and qualification. You can create to-do lists and also you can record the accreditation process and update all the associated costs.
There is also an option to link the courses to the specific awarding body and record the accreditation cost for each course. By default, there are set five courses but could be edited. Also, if the centre has less than five qualifications with that regulatory organisation, the values for empty lines will be automatically hidden.
You will also have stored the general information about the specific awarding body.
Centre expenses
Here you could monitor the organisation's expenses such as rent, bills, office materials and all other costs that are not related to the course expenses
Course expenses
You can monitor all the expenses for every course that you are running and registered in the course list. You can add the trainer's commision, awarding body fees or any other costs related to the specific course that is running.
This section will be developed after the Extension as it needs the Calendar feature.
You can register records from your partners, either other training organisations that you contracted or any other company that is in a partnership with your company. You can easily make notes, see contact details and maintain a shred of evidence.
This section will register every person who is involved in the organisation such as staff and learners.
There are some awarding bodies which request their centres to keep evidence of their learners.
The form is developed based on general requirements from LRS and Ofqual. You will record personal information about the learners, general information, learning difficulties information and also you can keep a record of the primary initial assessment.
There is also a tab for attachments for you to upload their proof of identity or any other attachments that you may need to enrol him to the awarding body etc.
You can register our staff, either administration staff or teaching staff.
There are options to upload their qualifications and to categorise the teaching staff in Trainers, Assessors and IQAs and allocate them to the course list that they will provide.
You will register the companies for which your organisation offer to their employees your training programs/qualifications.
Training Dashboard
Here you will register the courses that your organisation will deliver.
Classroom courses
This tab is to keep records for the classroom courses that you are running or to maintain a training record for the classes that you already have done.
Online courses
This tab is to keep records for the online/blended learning courses that you are running or to maintain a training record for the courses that you already have done.
Users access groups
There are four group access configured:
1. Senior Management
- full access (view, edit and delete) to the whole platform
2. Admin staff
- Full access to view the whole platform, but limited access to edit. They can create, import and export data from every form that is designed, but they cannot delete or update the actual records.
3. Teaching Staff
They have no access to the Senior Management tab.
They have access to only view the Training Dashboard and Stakeholders, apart from the Corporate tab.
Author: | Alin Nasser |
Date Added: | 01/11/2019 |
Downloads: | 618 |
Compatible: | 3.5 |
Extension:: | no |
A template is a database with only configuration data. To install the template, download the template file, then go to the "Tools - Backup" page and click on "Restore database from file".
Want to try this template in action? You can set up 30-day personal demo for testing. To install personal demo create account, please. Under "My Account" page go to "Personal Demo" page to request demo. Demo will be installed automatically for your account. Once it's done, download template database and restore it in your demo.