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Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 00:14
by pepe
Hi Sergey,
I have to raise this issue again! Last time we thought it has been solved and, as a matter of fact, Ruko's autostatus.php did work correctly to update all records after you implemented the fix. Today I have tested the Automtic status fields for updating text in filters when using the OR conditions. Please see different posting.
For getting the testing done, I have added a new item in autostatus list with sort position 1 (to move it on top of list) and did add filter with the OR condition. As a result, I can confirm that the OR conditon works with text (like 'red'|'blue'|'green' when editing and saving a given record.
In the next steep, to get back to working conditions, I deleted that entry in list including all filters. Ever since, the autostaus.php cron does not update any records. This issue happened before and has been solved. However, we have the same problem again. After this happened, I updated to 2.3.1 ... same results.
Please look at this problem, I have been so closed to get the system to something that could be released ...
Thank you. Best Pepe

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 08:07
by support
Please provide database and video and I will look.

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 19 Oct 2018, 16:29
by pepe
Hi Sergey,
there are 2 videos to demonstrate the AUTOMATIC STATUS not updating using cron job. The cron on server runs every 5 minutes. Large files are not accepted for upload here, hince, I did send zipped files with private message.
Thank you for looking at the problem.
Best, Pepe

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 08:29
by pepe
Hi Sergey, any news on this issue? I should give a presentation a.s.a.p. and automatic status is a key feature.
Regards, Pepe

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 09:04
by support
I did not check yet.

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 10:05
by support
I have check your database and there is no issue in code.
Please note that autostatus cron works with fields that have dynamic fields only like formula etc.
Since you don't have filters like this the autostatus cron skip this field. It's because this field will be updated by usual insert/edit action.
But since you have added new field and want to prepare status for already exists records then you can do just multiple update and update some number +0, means it's not updated but in this action we will check autostatus field and update it.
Or second solution you can add second filter by formula for autostatus field and then this field will be checking in cron.

Re: Automatic Status - cron to update automatic status

Posted: 22 Oct 2018, 23:58
by pepe
Hi Sergey,
thank you for your help ... I should have known better!
Regards, Pepe