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Automatic Status

Posted: 01 Mar 2018, 18:20
by pepe
The "Automatic Status" field does not pick the correct choice, it rather picks the item in the list. I am using strings not numbers or choice lists. See below:
List of Tasks with Automated Status field:
Thank you, Pepe

Re: Automatic Status

Posted: 01 Mar 2018, 21:58
by support
and why do use sting for numeric fields?

Re: Automatic Status

Posted: 02 Mar 2018, 04:04
by pepe
If you tell me strings and numbers (int) only then I will use them, just did not not know.
Best, Pepe
To answer the question why using strings:
I did my own automated status that calculates updates. Therefore, listings are always up to date. The field is based on formula field and they cannot be displayed in forms. Since I want to see STATUS in form, I have to use AUTOMATED STATUS field in the form.