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Problem with field type Entity

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 16:33
by Eddy
Hi All,

I am having problems with the field type Entity. This is what I have been doing:

- Created two new entities, say "Entity1" and "Entity2".
- In Entity1 I created a field type "Input Field" called Field1
- In Entity2 I created a field type "Entity" called Field2, Select Entity "Entity1", Display As "Dropdown"
- In the Entity2 Fields Configuration menu I clicked the hyperlink for the field settings and selected the Field1 that I created in Entity1, followed by SAVE
- Added a couple of entries to Entity1 for them to be the dropdown options in Entity2
- Went to add data to Entity2 and the dropdown shows the record ID instead of the information that I added to Field1 in Entity1.

Moreover, sometimes if I go to Entity1 and rename the field, say because you thought of a better name for it, the hyperlink for the field settings in Entity2 won't list as an option the Entity1 renamed field.

Re: Problem with field type Entity

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 17:03
by support
You better provide some screenshots because now it's not clear where problem is. Anyway make sure you have setup option Heading for some field in Entity. Because if you did not setup Heading then app will us ID as Heading.

Re: Problem with field type Entity

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 18:02
by Eddy
Ok... user error :oops: .

You are right, selecting the Heading tick box in the field definition menu fixed my original problem. I am sending you a private message with a pdf that shows what I mean with

"Moreover, sometimes if I go to Entity1 and rename the field, say because you thought of a better name for it, the hyperlink for the field settings in Entity2 won't list as an option the Entity1 renamed field."

Re: Problem with field type Entity

Posted: 03 Jan 2018, 19:22
by support
I have checked your pdf. The heading is excluded from popup since you do mouseover on heading so there is no reason display heading twice.