Filters in the "email sending rules"

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Joined: 03 Mar 2021, 18:01
Name: Luiz Paro
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Filters in the "email sending rules"

Post by LPARO »

Hello Sergey, hope to find you well.

I don't know if you've ever thought about implementing filters in the "email sending rules", but I think it would be something very useful.

I will give an example applicable to my case.

We are a law firm and we have two entities that use the e-mail rule, the process entity, in which we show the client the progress of the court case, and the deadline entity, where we show the client future hearings.

It happens that sometimes the hearing is canceled and, in order not to lose control, we cannot simply delete the record, but change the status to cancelled.

The idea would be to apply e-mail sending filters so that the client receives notification about the hearing containing the location, date and time only for the hearings that will take place, and not for those that have been cancelled.

I believe that this functionality is applicable to many other cases in other areas of activity of companies that, at the moment, I do not know how to exemplify.

What do you think ?
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