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Serbian (Serbian cyrilic) and Serbocroatioan (Serbian latin) translations of Rukovoditel up to version 3.2

Posted: 27 Jun 2022, 14:46
by filip

Here are Serbian (Serbian Cyrillic) and Serbocroatian (Serbian Latin) translations for Rukovoditel 3.2 with Extension
All language files (Serbian and Serbocroatian) are also published at GitHub so anyone who want to make changes or to fork it, is welcome.
If someone spots a typo - please tell me here or at GitHub.
If someone think that some translations should be changed - please tell me here or at GitHub.
When there are enough changes, I will post improved translations here.

Best Regards,

Re: Serbian (Serbian cyrilic) and Serbocroatioan (Serbian latin) translations of Rukovoditel up to version 3.2

Posted: 27 Jun 2022, 17:22
by support
Thank you!