Feedback on Quick Play

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Joined: 05 Jun 2017, 07:38
Name: Keith
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Company Name: Megastra

Feedback on Quick Play

Post by Keith »

This is a WIP thread where I'd like to list down some things I think may make Rokovoditel more useful.

1. Static URLS in menu. Ideally I'd like a type of wiki to go along with the software as I'd like to list down some ground rules for the projects I have when subcons come in (I am a toolmaker) But that would be quite the task and there are a few pieces of software around that handle it well. I could install one of them on the same server and just have a link to it from the project software (i'd need to add the users separately, i understand) As an alternative maybe a static page which I could write on instead and then make a link from the main menu?

2. Dropbox/Google Drive Integration - I think this wouldn't be a new idea. I get revisions of files constantly and having a external repository where I can hold them would be good as it also allows better sharing options of I need to send them outside of the software. Finally it also allows for quick deleting of larger files when the project has finished and you no longer need the drafts.

3. Ability to shuffle tasks so I can move them around if either they are not completed in the schedule I had thought or if I just add them in the wrong sequence.

4. More efficient pdf exporting, I noticed a blank page with a little writing comes out at 1.5meg.

5. I have noticed with the WYSIWYG editor that it picks up spelling errors but it only has a cut/copy/paste option on right clicking rather than the corrected word (small matter)

6. I have created a field which will show in the comments it's to say if the uploaded file is a draft or final version. This field also shows up on the task info (for every task) and it cannot be removed (if you delete it is also get's deleted from the field setup too).
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