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Record visibility and notification are not in sync

Posted: 11 Dec 2020, 21:13
by pepe
Hi Sergey,
In entity Projects (top level) you may setup records visibility feature for items.
If you define visibility based on some, for example, boolean, dropdown, or similar field then the defined rules will make certain items invisible to some users. This depends on the visibility rules setup.
Even thought some users may not see records based on visibility rules they still get notifications about create, change, .... events on those records.
If these users do not see the records they are getting extremely confused about the notifications they receive.

Could you please solve that problem? I would urgently need a fix for this.
Thank you,

Re: Record visibility and notification are not in sync

Posted: 14 Dec 2020, 21:16
by pepe
Hi Sergey,
I need to make some design decisions. Could you please tell me whether there will be a solution to the described problem?
Thank you in advance.
Best, Pepe

Re: Record visibility and notification are not in sync

Posted: 16 Dec 2020, 12:47
by support
In email rules there is option to send email by visibility rules.